
CaTabRa is conceived as both a library and a command-line tool. The most straight-forward way to use CaTabRa is via the command-line. There is one main command:

python -m catabra ...

This command has various sub-commands, listed below. You can get basic information about them by invoking

python -m catabra -h

Analyzing New Data & Training Prediction Models

The first step when using CaTabRa is analyzing tabular data. Analyzing, in this context, includes generating descriptive statistics, approximating the underlying data distribution for being able to detect out-of-distribution (OOD) samples, and training classification- or regression models for a given set of target attributes. The corresponding sub-command is analyze and can be invoked as follows:

python -m catabra analyze ...

Further information about the command can be obtained via

python -m catabra analyze -h

The command has one positional argument, TABLE, which must be the path to an existing CSV, Excel or HDF5 file containing the data to analyze. It is also possible to provide paths to multiple files, in which case the corresponding tables are merged column-wise. The table(s) must meet the following requirements:

  • Each row must correspond to a single sample, and each column to an attribute.

  • Attributes can be either features, labels, or auxiliary information that is ignored during analysis (e.g., identifiers). How this can be specified is described below.

  • All attributes may contain NaN values.

  • In principle, all data types are supported, but not all can be used for analysis.

    • Data types that can be used for analysis are numerical types (float, int, bool), Categorical, and time-like types (Timestamp, TimeDelta)

    • Note that immediately after reading a table, object data types are first tried to be converted into TimeDelta or Timestamp types (in that order) by using pandas’ to_timedelta() and to_datetime() functions, respectively. If this is not possible and the number of unique values does not exceed a predefined threshold (100 by default), the type is converted into Categorical. Otherwise, no conversion happens.

  • Time-like columns (Timestamp, TimeDelta) are converted into floats by dividing through some automatically-chosen resolution (1 year, 1 day, 1 hour, 1 minute, 1 second). This happens in a transparent way during feature encoding, meaning the conversion can easily be undone.

  • Attributes designated as labels (see below) are automatically converted into floats. In the case of regression tasks, labels should be numeric anyway, and in classification tasks the resulting values represent the n distinct classes as 0.0, …, n - 1.0. The actual class names can be arbitrary, of arbitrary data type, and are stored transparently in the encoder.

In addition to the positional TABLE argument, optional arguments can be provided as well:

  • --classify CLASSIFY [CLASSIFY_1 CLASSIFY_2 ...]: Column(s) to classify. If only one is specified, the prediction task is either a binary of multiclass classification problem, depending on the number of unique values. If more than one is specified, the prediction task is a multilabel classification problem, i.e., each of the columns corresponds to a class, and each sample can belong to an arbitrary subset of the classes. This means that the values in these columns must be binary class indicators, e.g., boolean or 0/1 ints or floats.

    Mutually exclusive with --regress!

  • --regress REGRESS [REGRESS_1 REGRESS_2 ...]: Column(s) to regress. Each of the columns is treated independently, so it does not make any difference how many are specified. Data types must be numeric.

    Mutually exclusive with --classify!

  • --group GROUP: Column used for grouping samples for internal (cross) validation. If specified, all samples with the same value in this column are put into the same split, i.e., either all into the internal training data or all into the internal validation data. By default, samples are grouped by the row index of TABLE if it has name; otherwise, grouping is disabled.

  • --split SPLIT: Column used for splitting the data into train- and test set. If specified, descriptive statistics, OOD-detectors and prediction models are generated based exclusively on the training split and then automatically evaluated on the test split. The name and/or values of the column must contain the string “train”, “test” or “val”, to clearly indicate what is the training- and what is the test data.

  • --sample-weight SAMPLE_WEIGHT: Column with sample weights, which are used for training, evaluating and explaining prediction models. Note, however, that not all AutoML-backends may support sample weights (auto-sklearn currently does not).

  • --ignore IGNORE: List of columns to ignore when training prediction models. Automatically includes GROUP, SPLIT and SAMPLE_WEIGHT, if specified, but may contain further columns.

  • --no-stats: Disable generating descriptive statistics.

  • --calibrate CALIBRATE: Value in column SPLIT defining the subset to calibrate the trained classifier on. If omitted, no calibration happens.

  • --out OUT: Directory where to save all generated artifacts. Defaults to a directory located in the parent directory of TABLE, with a name following a fixed naming pattern. If OUT already exists, the user is prompted to specify whether it should be replaced; otherwise, it is automatically created. . serves as a shortcut for the current working directory.

  • --time TIME: Time budget for model training, in minutes. Some AutoML backends require a fixed budget, others might not. Overwrites the "time_limit" config param. 0 means that no prediction models are trained.

  • --jobs JOBS: Number of jobs to use. Overwrites the "jobs" config param.

  • --config CONFIG: Path to a JSON file containing an alternative config dict. Merged with the default config specified via parameter --default-config. See Section Configuration below for details.

  • --default-config DEFAULT_CONFIG: Default config to use. Possible values are full (default; full range of preprocessing steps and ML algorithms for model training), basic (only very basic preprocessing and ML algorithms) and interpretable (only inherently interpretable preprocessing and ML algorithms).

  • --monitor MONITOR: Enable live monitoring of the training progress. The optional MONITOR argument specifies which backend to use (default is "plotly"). Keyword arguments can be passed as sequences of assignments, as in "plotly update_interval=0".

  • --from FROM: Path to an invocation.json file. All command-line arguments not explicitly specified are taken from this file; this also includes TABLE.

    Note: If the invocation.json file specifies a grouping- or splitting column, or an alternative config file, but you want to disable grouping / splitting / alternative config, you can simply pass --group / --split / --config without argument.

Calibrating CaTabRa Classifiers

Trained CaTabRa classifiers can be calibrated to ensure that the probability estimates they return correspond to the “true” confidence of the model. Citing scikit-learn:

Well calibrated classifiers are probabilistic classifiers for which the output of the predict_proba() method can be directly interpreted as a confidence level. For instance, a well calibrated (binary) classifier should classify the samples such that among the samples to which it gave a predict_proba-value close to 0.8, approximately 80% actually belong to the positive class.

The corresponding sub-command is calibrate and can be invoked as follows:

python -m catabra calibrate ...

Further information about the command can be obtained via

python -m catabra calibrate -h

The command has one positional argument, SOURCE, which is the directory containing the existing CaTabRa classifier to calibrate. This is the output directory of a previous invocation of analyze.

In addition, there are optional arguments as well:

  • --on TABLE [TABLE_2 TABLE_3 ...]: File(s) containing the table(s) on which the CaTabRa object shall be calibrated. The same restrictions apply to TABLE as with command analyze, described above. In particular, TABLE is expected to contain all necessary feature- and label columns. Labels may be NaN.

  • --split SPLIT: Column used for splitting the data into disjoint subsets. In conjunction with SUBSET this enables restricting the data used for calibration to a subset of TABLE.

  • --subset SUBSET: Value in column SPLIT to consider for calibration. For instance, if the column specified by SPLIT contains values "train", "val" and "test", and SUBSET is set to "val", the classifier is calibrated only on the "val"-entries.

  • --method METHOD: Calibration method. Must be one of "sigmoid", "isotonic" or "auto" (default).

  • --sample-weight SAMPLE_WEIGHT: Column with sample weights, which are used for calibration.

  • --out OUT: Directory where to save all generated artifacts. Defaults to a directory located in SOURCE, with a name following a fixed naming pattern. If OUT already exists, the user is prompted to specify whether it should be replaced; otherwise, it is automatically created. . serves as a shortcut for the current working directory.

  • --from FROM: Path to an invocation.json file. All command-line arguments not explicitly specified are taken from this file; this also includes SOURCE and TABLE.

    Note: If the invocation.json file specifies a splitting column and a calibration subset, but you want to calibrate on all data in TABLE, you can simply pass --split and/or --subset without argument.

Evaluating CaTabRa Objects on New Data

After analyzing data, the resulting (possibly calibrated) models can be evaluated on held-out test data. The corresponding sub-command is evaluate and can be invoked as follows:

python -m catabra evaluate ...

Further information about the command can be obtained via

python -m catabra evaluate -h

The command has one positional argument, SOURCE, which is the directory containing the existing CaTabRa object to evaluate. This is the output directory of a previous invocation of analyze.

In addition, there are optional arguments as well:

  • --on TABLE [TABLE_2 TABLE_3 ...]: File(s) containing the table(s) on which the CaTabRa object shall be evaluated. The same restrictions apply to TABLE as with command analyze, described above. In particular, TABLE is expected to contain all necessary feature- and label columns. Labels may be NaN.

  • --split SPLIT: Column used for splitting the data into disjoint subsets. If specified, each subset is evaluated individually. In contrast to command analyze, the name/values of the column do not need to carry any semantic information about training and test sets.

  • --sample-weight SAMPLE_WEIGHT: Column with sample weights, which are used for evaluating prediction models.

  • --no-stats: Disable generating descriptive statistics.

  • --no-ood: Disable out-of-distribution (OOD) detection.

  • --model-id MODEL_ID: Identifier of the prediction model to evaluate. By default, the sole trained model or the entire ensemble are evaluated. Check out SOURCE/model_summary.json for all available model-IDs.

  • --explain [EXPLAIN ...]: Explain prediction model(s). If passed without arguments, all models specified by MODEL_ID are explained; otherwise, EXPLAIN contains the model ID(s) to explain. By default, explanations are local, but this behavior can be overwritten by passing flag --global. See command explain for details.

  • --global: Create global explanations rather than local ones.

  • --out OUT: Directory where to save all generated artifacts. Defaults to a directory located in SOURCE, with a name following a fixed naming pattern. If OUT already exists, the user is prompted to specify whether it should be replaced; otherwise, it is automatically created. . serves as a shortcut for the current working directory.

  • --batch-size BATCH_SIZE: Batch size used for applying the prediction model.

  • --jobs JOBS: Number of jobs to use. Overwrites the "jobs" config param.

  • --threshold THRESHOLD: Decision threshold for binary- and multilabel classification. Defaults to 0.5, unless specified in FROM. In binary classification this can also be the name of a built-in thresholding strategy, possibly followed by “on” and the split on which to calculate the threshold. Splits must be specified by the name of the subdirectory containing the corresponding evaluation results. See Metrics for a list of built-in thresholding strategies.

  • --bootstrapping-repetitions BS_REPETITIONS: Number of bootstrapping repetitions. Set to 0 to disable bootstrapping. Overwrites config param "bootstrapping_repetitions".

  • --bootstrapping-metrics M_1 [M_2 M_3 ...]: Metrics for which to report bootstrapped results. Can also be __all__, in which case all suitable metrics are included. Ignored if bootstrapping is disabled.

  • --from FROM: Path to an invocation.json file. All command-line arguments not explicitly specified are taken from this file; this also includes SOURCE and TABLE.

    Note: If the invocation.json file specifies a model-ID or splitting column, but you want to evaluate the whole ensemble or disable splitting, you can simply pass --model-id / --split without argument.

Explaining CaTabRa Objects (Prediction Models)

After analyzing data, the resulting models can be explained in terms of feature importance. The corresponding sub-command is explain and can be invoked as follows:

python -m catabra explain ...

Further information about the command can be obtained via

python -m catabra explain -h

The command has one positional argument, SOURCE, which is the directory containing the existing CaTabRa object to explain. This is the output directory of a previous invocation of analyze.

In addition, there are optional arguments as well:

  • --on TABLE [TABLE_2 TABLE_3 ...]: File(s) containing the table(s) on which the CaTabRa object shall be explained. The same restrictions apply to TABLE as with command analyze, described above. In particular, TABLE is expected to contain all necessary feature columns, but in contrast to analyze and evaluate does not need to contain any target columns.

  • --split SPLIT: Column used for splitting the data into disjoint subsets. If specified, SOURCE is explained on each split separately.

  • --sample-weight SAMPLE_WEIGHT: Column with sample weights, which may be used for explaining prediction models. Only relevant for global explanations depending on background samples.

  • --model-id [MODEL_ID ...]: Identifier(s) of the prediction model(s) to explain. By default, all models in the final ensemble are explained. In contrast to evaluate, more than one ID can be specified. Check out SOURCE/model_summary.json for all available model-IDs.

  • --explainer EXPLAINER: Name of the explainer to use. Defaults to the first explainer specified in config param "explainer". Note that only explainers that were fitted to training data during analyze can be used, as well as explainers that do not need to be fit to training data (e.g., "permutation"). Pass -e without arguments to get a list of all available explainers.

  • --global: Create global explanations. If specified, TABLE might not be required (depends on the explanation backend). Mutually exclusive with --local. If neither --global nor --local are specified, global or local explanations are generated depending on the explanation backend.

  • --local: Create local explanations, in which case TABLE is mandatory. Mutually exclusive with --global. If neither --global nor --local are specified, global or local explanations are generated depending on the explanation backend.

  • --out OUT: Directory where to save all generated artifacts. Defaults to a directory located in SOURCE, with a name following a fixed naming pattern. If OUT already exists, the user is prompted to specify whether it should be replaced; otherwise, it is automatically created. . serves as a shortcut for the current working directory.

  • --batch-size BATCH_SIZE: Batch size used for generating explanations.

  • --aggregation-mapping: Mapping from target column names to lists of source column names in ON, whose explanations will be aggregated by the explainer’s aggregation function. Must be the name of a JSON file containing a corresponding dict.

  • --jobs JOBS: Number of jobs to use. Overwrites the "jobs" config param.

  • --from FROM: Path to an invocation.json file. All command-line arguments not explicitly specified are taken from this file; this also includes SOURCE and TABLE.

    Note: If the invocation.json file specifies a model-ID or splitting column, but you want to explain all models in the ensemble or disable splitting, you can simply pass --model-id / --split without argument.

Applying CaTabRa Objects to New Data

Trained models (and OOD detectors) can be applied to new, unlabeled data. The corresponding sub-command is apply and can be invoked as follows:

python -m catabra apply ...

Further information about the command can be obtained via

python -m catabra apply -h

The command has one positional argument, SOURCE, which is the directory containing the existing CaTabRa object to apply. This is the output directory of a previous invocation of analyze.

In addition, there are optional arguments as well:

  • --on TABLE [TABLE_2 TABLE_3 ...]: File(s) containing the table(s) the CaTabRa object shall be applied to. The same restrictions apply to TABLE as with command analyze, described above. In particular, TABLE is expected to contain all necessary feature columns, but in contrast to analyze and evaluate does not need to contain any target columns.

  • --model-id [MODEL_ID ...]: Identifier(s) of the prediction model(s) to apply. By default, all models in the final ensemble are explained. In contrast to evaluate, more than one ID can be specified. Check out SOURCE/model_summary.json for all available model-IDs.

  • --explain [EXPLAIN ...]: Explain prediction model(s). If passed without arguments, all models specified by MODEL_ID are explained; otherwise, EXPLAIN contains the model ID(s) to explain.

  • --no-ood: Disable out-of-distribution (OOD) detection.

  • --out OUT: Directory where to save all generated artifacts. Defaults to a directory located in SOURCE, with a name following a fixed naming pattern. If OUT already exists, the user is prompted to specify whether it should be replaced; otherwise, it is automatically created. . serves as a shortcut for the current working directory.

  • --batch-size BATCH_SIZE: Batch size used for applying the model(s).

  • --jobs JOBS: Number of jobs to use. Overwrites the "jobs" config param.

  • --from FROM: Path to an invocation.json file. All command-line arguments not explicitly specified are taken from this file; this also includes SOURCE and TABLE.

    Note: If the invocation.json file specifies a model-ID, but you want to apply all models in the ensemble, you can simply pass --model-id without arguments.