Quick Start


Clone the repository and install the package with Poetry. Set up a new Python environment with Python >=3.9, <3.11 (e.g. using conda), activate it, and then run

pip install poetry

(unless Poetry has been installed already) and

git clone https://github.com/risc-mi/catabra.git
cd catabra
poetry install

The project is installed in editable mode by default. This is useful if you plan to make changes to CaTabRa’s code.

IMPORTANT: CaTabRa currently only runs on Linux, because auto-sklearn only runs on Linux. If on Windows, you can use a virtual machine, like WSL 2, and install CaTabRa there. If you want to use Jupyter, install Jupyter on the virtual machine as well and launch it with the --no-browser flag.

Usage Mode 1: Command-Line

python -m catabra analyze example_data/breast_cancer.csv --classify diagnosis --split train --out breast_cancer_result

This command analyzes breast_cancer.csv and trains a prediction model for classifying the samples according to column "diagnosis". Column "train" is used for splitting the data into a train- and a test set, which means that the final model is automatically evaluated on the test set after training. All results are saved in directory breast_cancer_out.

python -m catabra explain breast_cancer_result --on example_data/breast_cancer.csv --out breast_cancer_result/expl

This command explains the classifier trained in the previous command by computing SHAP feature importance scores for every sample. The results are saved in directory breast_cancer_result/expl. Depending on the type of the trained models, this command may take several minutes to complete.

Usage Mode 2: Python

The two commands above translate to the following Python code:

from catabra.analysis import analyze
from catabra.explanation import explain

analyze("example_data/breast_cancer.csv", classify="diagnosis", split="train", out="breast_cancer_result")
explain("example_data/breast_cancer.csv", "breast_cancer_result", out="breast_cancer_result/expl")


Invoking the two commands generates a bunch of results, most notably

  • the trained classifier

  • descriptive statistics of the underlying data

  • performance metrics in tabular and graphical form

  • feature importance scores in tabular and graphical form

  • … and many more.